The Miracle Of Marriage
Marriage is the union
Of two people in love,
And love is sheer magic
For it's woven of
Gossamer dreams
Enchantingly real
That people in love
Are privileged to feel.
But the "exquisite ecstasy"
That captures the heart
Of two people in love
Is just a small part
Of the beauty and wonder
And miracle of
The growth and fulfillment
And evolvement of love.
For only long years
Of living together
And sharing and caring
In all kinds of weather
Both pleasure and pain,
The glad and the sad,
Teardrops and laughter,
The good and the bad,
Can add new dimensions
And lift love above
The rapturous ecstasies
Of "falling in love."
For ecstasy passes
But it is replaced
By something much greater
That cannot be defaced,
For what was "in part"
Has now "become whole" -
For on the "wings of the flesh, "
Love entered the soul!
Helen Stieiner Rice
Dedicated to my late wife, Sheri Clark, 8/1/1963- 12/18/2014