Looking For Love Stories from Couples Married Here in Hawaii
This is Tanya Bricking Leach, the relationships writer for The Honolulu Advertiser.
I just wanted to let you know that we started a new feature in The Advertiser called "Love Stories."
We're profiling couples' stories in a feature that's sort of like the New York Times' Sunday "Vows"
feature. It will be on our Ohana page each Sunday.
I'm looking for recently married couples who would like to be profiled. At least one person must be
from Hawaii or be in the military stationed here.
We are looking for people with interesting stories (and good photos that they can provide. We will
credit the photographer in the caption.)
Feel free to pass the info to your clients if any of them would like their story in the newspaper.
(It's free!) We'll be choosing one a week.
Tanya Bricking Leach
relationships writer
The Honolulu Advertiser
Email Hawaiian Island Weddings at weddings@maui.net if you are interested.
This is Tanya Bricking Leach, the relationships writer for The Honolulu Advertiser.
I just wanted to let you know that we started a new feature in The Advertiser called "Love Stories."
We're profiling couples' stories in a feature that's sort of like the New York Times' Sunday "Vows"
feature. It will be on our Ohana page each Sunday.
I'm looking for recently married couples who would like to be profiled. At least one person must be
from Hawaii or be in the military stationed here.
We are looking for people with interesting stories (and good photos that they can provide. We will
credit the photographer in the caption.)
Feel free to pass the info to your clients if any of them would like their story in the newspaper.
(It's free!) We'll be choosing one a week.
Tanya Bricking Leach
relationships writer
The Honolulu Advertiser
Email Hawaiian Island Weddings at weddings@maui.net if you are interested.